An eligible event that has 12 or more players will be added to the Masters rankings as well as Rolling Year. The winner will score the following points:
- 100 in a 1 Day Event
- 110 in a 2 Day Event
- 120 in the English GT, Scottish GT, Welsh GT and UK Nationals
The score is spread among the players with everyone scoring points. 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions get more points allocated to them.
(You can enter "3" in days to check GTs and Nationals in the calculator).
An event that has 28 or more players will attract the highest score. The winner will score the following points:
- 100 in 3 round
- 110 in 4 round
- 120 in 5 round
- 130 in 6 round
- 140 in 7 round
The top score for an event with less than 28 players will have a point for every player under 28. So a 16 player, 3 round event has a maximum of 88 points.
We have do our best to make sure the information on this site is up-to-date and correct. Some information from before Feb 2016 may be incorect. Our source had a few minor inconsistencies.
Should you find incorrect information you would like updated, please contact us at:
To be eligible an event must be a minimum of 3 rounds. Events of 5 or more rounds over 2 days will receive an increased ranking point award.
For an event to be ranked the the following criteria must be met:
- For both versions of Rankings (Rolling Year and Masters), Events must be a In-Person Singles Player Event (No Teams/Doubles) and all games should be 50ss.
- Events must be a minimum of 8 players to be included in Rolling Year Rankings. To be included in Masters Rankings, they must be a minimum of 12 players.
- Each TO/Sub-Community can submit one event to rankings per calendar month. If you wish to run more than one ranked event in a single calender month you can request this via the UK Tornament Organiser team which can be found on the UK discord group. (Please contact us for access if you don't have it already)
- Events must be publicly advertised on 2 of at least Facebook, Discord, UK tournament calendar and the Wyrd forum but we encourage you to use all and every avenue to advertise your event.
- Events must be open to all. Anyone across the community should be able to purchase tickets to the event. (In extreme circumstances, this will not include bans for indecent conduct - again, this will be discussed by the UK Tournament Organiser Team)
- Events must utilise the latest Gaining Grounds document to be eligible for UK rankings. You can use any format in this document and may also include Strategies and Schemes from previous documents or the Malifaux Rulebook.
Events run on Bag O' Tools can feed the results direct to Malifaux Rankings. Please contact us if you are wishing to run Event's using another method, and we will collect the information from you.
You are of course free to run any events you wish, these critera just cover events that will be included in the UK rankings and eligible for UK Masters scoring.